Volunteer Spotlight- Alyssa Sandholm



Q. Tell us a little about yourself and your experience at the University of Minnesota. 
I experienced so much personal growth at the University of Minnesota and really enjoyed my time there as a student and now as a volunteer. It was such a formative experience for me and has really set the tone for my life post-graduation. To this day I have maintained many of the connections I made while at the University. As a graduate in Biomedical Engineering I was extremely fortunate to have received my degree in such a relevant location for my field as Minnesota is full of medical device companies.

Q. How did you get started volunteering and why do you volunteer with the Alumni Association (or specific college/unit)?
My first experience with the CSE Alumni Society Board was shortly after graduation at a learn-to-curl event, which was a blast! After that I thought it would be fun to be part of the team that plans those events to engage alumni with the university, so I joined. Currently I serve as Vice Chair of the board and a member of the student engagement committee. As part of the student engagement committee I do a lot of work making sure the mentorship program runs smoothly, such as: planning events for the mentor pairs, testing the software for enrolling in the program, mentoring students within the program, and implementing feedback from end of year surveys. In the many years I have volunteered at the University of Minnesota I have found it to be a rewarding experience to be involved in such an integral part of the twin cities community. 

Q. What is the favorite thing or most memorable accomplishment of your volunteer experience?
My favorite volunteer accomplishment has been mentoring current CSE students. I had one student in particular where I really felt that I had made a positive difference in their trajectory and experience as a student and now a full time member of the workforce within the twin cities area. Guiding this student from a place of confusion and uncertainty to a place of action, confidence, and personal growth is the best feeling and it gave me joy to be a part of that journey!

Q. Why would you encourage someone else to volunteer?
I have found volunteering to be really personally gratifying and it has opened so many doors for me. Volunteering is an opportunity to benefit your greater community and is an excellent way to give back and pay it forward. Even small acts can be powerful, so I would recommend everyone take the time to do it!


About Alyssa Sandholm

Alyssa currently works at Boston Scientific in the Twin Cities as a Senior Process Development Engineer. In this role she develops the processes for manufacturing medical devices such as valve frames for transcatheter aortic valve replacement and catheters for various cardiovascular procedures. Currently Alyssa serves as the Vice Chair of the College of Science and Engineering Alumni Society Board which helps to engage alumni with the University of Minnesota after graduation. Alyssa studied Biomedical Engineering at the University of Minnesota and earned her Bachelor's degree in 2014. Outside of work, Alyssa enjoys hiking, traveling, playing volleyball, and spending time with her husband and pets.