Wendy Simenson

Recipient of the 2020 Alumni Service Award


Since graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Degree in 1977, Wendy Simenson has gone on to become an engaged community leader, energetic volunteer, and champion for patient care. A former co-owner of Kemper Drug in Elk River, Wendy’s professional life is one of commitment and innovation — promoting long-term wellness within the communities she serves and beyond. As a past vice president of the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy, a member of The Minnesota Pharmacist's Association, a participant in the American Pharmacists Association Foundation and the National Medication Therapy Management Advisory Board, her experience has helped shape the industry on a local and national level.

Wendy’s involvement at the University of Minnesota spans more than 40 years. She has served on the College of Pharmacy's National Board of Advisors, as president of the Century Mortar Club, and as a member of the Minnesota Pharmacy Alliance. Some of her most impactful volunteerism is done through her work with the College of Pharmacy Leadership Network Partners — a mentorship program that pairs students with leaders in the pharmaceutical community. A past recipient of the College of Pharmacy Alumni Society’s Distinguished Pharmacist Award as well as the Lawrence and Delores Weaver Medal, Wendy is an inspirational example of forward-thinking leadership and dedication.

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